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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Forehead Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

Wrinkles begin to appear on our skin as the first visible sign of aging. Why do these wrinkles appear in the first place?

As we grow older the elasticity of the skin starts to become less. Let us learn what makes up the elasticity of the skin in the first place though. Skin elasticity exists because of what we call collagen bundles. These collagen bundles are actually proportionate amounts of collagen and elastin which are present in the skin. They are proteins which give our skin its vibrancy and firmness. As we start to grow old, these collagen bundles get less, and are hence are less effective in maintaining the firmness of the skin.

Also under the skin we all have layers of fatty tissue. As we grow older, and the skin elasticity starts decreasing, our skin is at a disadvantage to hold up these fatty tissues firmly. The force of gravity puts a strain upon the skin and with the weight of the fatty tissues, the skin begins to sag. This in turn causes wrinkles.

While there are surgical ways to remove wrinkles, these always come with added burdens. Of course we know the cost factors are high, then also there are the implications of possible side effects of any surgery. With these the fact remains that these procedures are never a lasting solution.

In treating almost any part of our body, I am a strong believer in first looking at the natural cures and treatments available. The same goes for our skin. For example one of the old known cures for wrinkles is Green Tea. This has been used from the days of the ancient Chinese Civilizations. Now once again modern day research has endorsed this natural product for its antiaging properties.



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