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Sunday, July 5, 2009

How to Choose Products For Oily Skin

If you are one of the many men or women today suffering with an oily complexion, then I am sure that you have been frustrated by numerous over-the-counter products that don't live up to their claims. The key to counteracting your oily skin and having a flawless and balance complexion is simply being educated so that you can read labels carefully to choose the products that will work best for you.

Cleanser: Any skincare routine should begin with a high-quality cleanser, so I always personally recommending using a medical grade product that is suited for acneic or oily skin and contains glycolic or salicylic acid. These acids are able to break down the oil and grime that builds on your skin throughout the day and can potentially cause breakouts to your complexion. Use these medical grade cleansers twice a day, unless you experience excessive dryness.

Tone: Using a toner or astringent is vital for oily skin types, but you don't necessarily need to go overboard. One of the main errors that I see made by my skincare clients is that they will over-irritate and dry their oily skin in attempts to control oil production. Your main focus as an oily skin type should be to create balance in your skin so that you do not over dry or inflame your face. Look for an astringent that uses tea tree oil, which is perfect for acne, and you can apply this after cleansing to remove excess oil from your skin.

Moisturizer: Many of my oily skin care clients constantly tell me that they are reluctant to use moisturizers because they are afraid of making their skin greasy and more prone to breakouts. What I have to tell you may be shocking, but it is incredibly necessary for all oily skin types to moisturize after every single cleansing to keep the skin in balance. If you do neglect to moisturize, then you can risk over drying your face and causing it to produce even more oil as a result, which will leave you in a worse position than when you started. Use a light moisturizer that is rich in antioxidants to give your skin a boost and to keep the moisture barrier intact without increasing oil production.

Mask: This is a wonderful part of the skincare process for oily skin types because you can treat your face with a mask three times per week to cut back the oil production and purify your pores. Look for a mask that uses Kaolin clay, which works to tighten on your face and pull out the oil and impurities from the surface of your skin. You will immediately feel smoother and fresher as soon as you treat with a mask like this that is specialized for oily skin.

These are just simple guidelines to help you choose the appropriate skin care products that will bring your oily complexion into balance and keep breakouts at bay. Take the time to choose all-natural botanical products that will heal and nourish your skin when they are absorbed topically. Your goal should be to have a balanced complexion, and now you know how!


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